Partners and Sponsors

film offer for children

Since 1st July 2019 filmfriend has been cooperating with the German Children's and Youth Film Center (KJF) to curate the newly designed children's area. On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, the KJF publishes film recommendations and develops concepts and offers for teaching media literacy. The goal of our cooperation with the Children and Youth Film Center is, in addition to "family entertainment", the expansion of the quality offer for children and young people on the film portal as well as editorial support on the filmfriend film repertoire for children.


Hublet provides digital content for library users on dedicated self-service tablets. A variety of apps for reading, learning, playing, and working can be activated for personalized use by libraries. The filmfriend app complements the portfolio with an attractive program of films and series for children and adults. Libraries interested in collaborating with filmfriend will receive a special offer when purchasing a Hublet.


The online portal stands for cinema, film culture and well-founded film criticism and offers the most comprehensive film database in the German language. Thanks to the cooperation, the film database now shows directly whether a title is available on filmfriend. On filmfriend, users can jump directly to the Filmdienst's detailed film review, if available.

Kooperation Stadtarchiv München

A truly great treasure trove of historical films on the city of Munich is administered by the Munich City Archive. We are pleased to be able to show some of these interesting films on filmfriend thanks to a cooperation with the Munich City Archive.

filmfriend in Brandenburg

As a Brandenburger company, it is of particular concern to us to make it accessible to all Brandenburger citizens in a film-friendly manner. After the SLB Potsdam, 13 Brandenburg libraries started with filmfriend on 1 July 2019 as part of a pilot project. This was made possible by funding from the Brandenburg Ministry of Science, Research and Culture.

Brandenburger Innovationsfachkräfte

Launched in Germany, filmfriend is now also represented in Switzerland, Austria, Luxembourg and Belgium. This is a great success for us, but also a challenge: Because our claim is also to provide and curate country-specific content for each of these portals.

Since February 2023, we have been supported by a student trainee from the Babelsberg Konrad Wolf Film University in the following areas

  • the conception of country-specific themes and collections
  • checking the quality of metadata for country-specific themes and collections
  • the creation of country-specific editorial content

Funded by the European Social Fund and the State of Brandenburg.

Strengthening rural areas

It is important to us to also enable small libraries in rural areas to participate in the offer of filmfriend. In autumn 2018 we therefore launched a project aimed at identifying and removing technical, financial and organisational barriers to access for these libraries. The project is funded by the European Social Fund and the Federal State of Brandenburg.

Creative Europe - MEDIA

Thanks to its diverse catalogue, filmfriend contributes to promote quality European works. In several countries filmfriend opens a window on Europe and the world, and on its diversity of languages, of characters and of topics.

Moreover, filmfriend connects differents players of the film industry to one another and to institutions central to local cultural life: libraries. This European funding thus helps to reinforce the cultural and audiovisual sector.